Exploring Sondra’s Garden



Lemon Balm Plant

This is lemon balm (melissa officinalis) growing in my garden where it decided to plant itself. Once it establishes in your garden, you will find it almost anywhere! It is wonderful for attracting bees.

It is a nice addition to lemonade and baked “lemony” items. Medicinally it helps fight many kinds of viruses, including herpes, so it can be helpful for people who get cold sores. It also acts as a mild sedative, promoting relaxation. It is easy to grow in a pot, so if you don’t have room in your garden (or don’t want it to take over your garden) grow in on your porch.

Make it into a tea by using a handful of fresh leaves to a quart of water. Bring the water to a boil, add the leaves, cover, remove from heat, and steep about 10 minutes. Strain. Drink it for pleasure or when you feel a cold coming on or when you are feeling nervous or uneasy. I like to make it into a strong tea and freeze it in small containers for later use.

- Sondra B Johnson

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