Highland County, we miss you

March and the coming of Spring means so many things to Nature’s Common Scents, one of the most important? The annual Highland County Maple Festival.

2002 was the first time Sondra and her husband Larry went to Highland County to be a part of the festival and in the nearly 20 years since it has become an important part of the fabric that makes up Nature’s Common Scents. Unfortunately, the show has been canceled for the last two years due to Covid, but we are very hopeful about it returning next year. Of course, we plan to be there if so. We miss meeting customers and, well, just being in “Little Switzerland."

Below is a flyer that Sondra created for the 2013 festival. She would include these in all orders leading up to the March event to help get people out to the show. You’ll see flyers like the one below in your orders late this year and into next.

The festival started in 1958, so 2022 will mark the 64th year since it started. Importantly for us, it will be the 20th anniversary of the first time Nature’s Common Scents set up a booth there. We can’t wait and are planning for it already.

Highland County maple festival flyer 2013.jpg

Summer Open House


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