How This Work Began – Tales of the Garden

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With a nod to a Famous Christian Author

Catherine Marshall is no longer a household name, but if you were around in the mid-to-late 20th Century, hers might have been as well known to you as Jackie Kennedy. So said a Washington, DC magazine writer back then. Indeed, Catherine wrote over forty books, including a novel based on the life of her mother that became a well-loved television series starring Kellie Martin: Christy.

By the time I went to work for Catherine in 1979, she had written numerous books, perhaps the most well-known, A Man Called Peter, the story of her beloved husband. Peter Marshall, a Scot who came to the United States after a life-or-death call from the Lord, ultimately became U.S. Senate Chaplain. There was also a movie of that name, starring Richard Todd and Jean Peters.

Catherine was a quiet woman and she definitely preferred her privacy. Thrust into fame, she took refuge on her parent’s farm in Lincoln, Virginia. Evergreen Farm is a well-known location to her readers and was just a few miles away from the farm my husband Larry and I lived on.

What might not be as well-known about Catherine is her love of her plants. While she had, and could afford, as much household and garden help as was needed, it was not unusual to see her by herself tending and watering the garden near the house. Seeing that softened my heart toward the stoic, private woman.

My work for her began as editor for her newly-formed prayer ministry called Breakthrough (dedicated to intercessory prayer). I was hired by her then-husband, Len LeSourd, former founding editor of Guideposts magazine. The first article in the Breakthrough newsletter was written by Catherine and was called “How This Work Began.” Catherine, who had chronic lung issues after having suffered with tuberculosis years before, died in 1983. But the ministry, housed in a former schoolhouse, continued under the guidance of Len LeSourd and a star-studded editorial board made up then rock stars in the Christian publishing world, like Jamie Buckingham and John and Tib Sherrill, and other well-known and highly popular Christian authors. I remained (humbly) editor of the newsletter. I loved the work and I loved the ministry.

One afternoon finding myself with extra time, I was on my knees pulling weeds and in general trying to make the front garden of the old building presentable. As I groveled in the dirt, Len LeSourd came out and stood watching me.

“Sondra,” he said. “I think Breakthrough needs an executive director. And I think you’re the person to do that job.”

Now you quite probably wonder what this has to do with Nature’s Common Scents. And indeed, it might seem like quite a leap from Breakthrough to my herbal products business. But as I thought about boss Larry Jr’s request that I write about how my products came to be, I was digging around in the soil and checking on the new herbs I had planted. In my mind, I remembered that day so long ago when my love for the plants God has given us involved me with some of the most exciting people I ever met.

From a job I loved dearly for seventeen years (until a year after Len himself passed away) to the job I have now, no matter what other office work was involved, I always managed to find myself working with plants.

Most of you know how Nature’s Common Scents came to be, and most of you know that Big Jim’s Cream came about because of my desire to help “cure” psoriasis. While I soon learned that a cure was not on the horizon, I learned something very important: that in cases of many “skin things” making the skin and therefore the person look and feel better is extremely important.

Big Jim’s, Comfort Cream, Rosewood Massage Oil, Skin Revival, Anti-wrinkle Oil, Antifungal Oil, Acne Wash, Skin Comfort Bar, and all the other creams, plant oil combinations, spritzers and soaps, were created because someone I know was in some way suffering. Usually, my products address a skin problem, but not always, for example Sinus Aid and Rosewood Massage Oil. But on the other hand, both of those help skin tremendously. Sinus Aid, a favorite and much-used product in our household, is good for and helps heal the skin inside noses, and Rosewood Massage Oil (used even more often than Sinus Aid by me), moisturizes skin beautifully while doing its appointed work of calming restless legs and leg cramps.

So how has each product been developed? Well, my Christian roots are deep, as you might have ascertained by the beginning of this article. So I believe the Lord places the idea or need in my heart. I believe He leads me as I research plants that can help and recipes of how to best combine them.

And while there are many reasons Nature’s Common Scents’ products are different from other, so-called “natural” products, mine go out the door not only with love and concern for the person who purchases them, but with a healthy dose of prayer.

I may have “come to the garden alone” but when I’m there, all of you who purchase my products are there with me!

Sending love and happy spring gardening,



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